Mas allá de nuestras Heridas

Apoyo y recursos para mejorar las relaciones matrimoniales y familiares

Consejos para construir relaciones saludables y duraderas.

Estrategias para una crianza amorosa y efectiva.

Herramientas para renovar y fortalecer el matrimonio.

flat lay photography of man and woman holding hands together
flat lay photography of man and woman holding hands together
a close up of two people holding hands
a close up of two people holding hands
a man holding a baby in his armsa man holding a baby in his arms

¿En qué creemos?

En Beyond Our Wounds, creemos en el cuidado y fortalecimiento de las relaciones dentro del matrimonio y la familia.

Creemos firmemente, que las experiencias desagradables y dolorosas, ocacionadas por algunas malas desiciones, pueden tratarse y sanarse.

Creemos que buenas y nuevas prácticas nos darán memorias que opacarán y reemplazarán las cicatrices del pasado.

Creemos sobre todo en la prevención, pero también en la renovación y restauración de las relaciones familiares.

A family consisting of a man, woman, and a young child sits on a sandy beach. The man wears a striped shirt and holds the child on his lap, who is dressed in a gray outfit. The woman, wearing a light green dress, is seated beside them, tenderly engaging with the child. Their expressions reflect warmth and connection.
A family consisting of a man, woman, and a young child sits on a sandy beach. The man wears a striped shirt and holds the child on his lap, who is dressed in a gray outfit. The woman, wearing a light green dress, is seated beside them, tenderly engaging with the child. Their expressions reflect warmth and connection.

Recursos de ayuda

Apoyamos a las familias en su camino hacia relaciones más saludables con recursos efectivos.

A family sitting together on a sandy surface, with the adults surrounding a young child. The child is wearing a light outfit and is smiling. The woman is dressed in a light green dress, and the man is in a striped shirt. Their expressions convey warmth and affection.
A family sitting together on a sandy surface, with the adults surrounding a young child. The child is wearing a light outfit and is smiling. The woman is dressed in a light green dress, and the man is in a striped shirt. Their expressions convey warmth and affection.

Consejos para construir relaciones sólidas desde el inicio hasta el compromiso mutuo.

man holding his hands on open book
man holding his hands on open book
black nikon dslr camera on white printer paper
black nikon dslr camera on white printer paper

Puedes hacerlo tu solo, pero el camino es mucho más liviano si lo recorres con Él.


woman carrying baby
woman carrying baby

Estamos aquí para ayudarte. Comparte tus inquietudes y juntos mejoraremos la dinámica matrimonial y familiar.